How To Delete Locations On Accuweather App
Getting Started
La Crosse View Setup Guide
Congratulations on your new La Crosse View connected item, and welcome to the La Crosse Technology family! Please use this 8-step guide to get your device up and running correctly.
Step 1: Power-Up Your Sensors
- Breeze Pro Sensor
- Add-On Sensors
Step 2: Power-Up Your Display
- Batteries
- Power Cord
Step 3: Confirm Display is Receiving Sensor Data
- Add-On Sensors
Step 4: Make Sure Display is in Configuration Mode
Step 5: Download the La Crosse View App
Step 6: Create an Account and/or Log In
Step 7: Add Display to Your La Crosse View Account
- Scan In Display's Device ID
- Enter In Device & Location Names
- Country, Postal Code, & "Opt Out" Checkbox
- Connect to WiFi
- Display Changes
Step 8: Getting Sensor Data in the App
- Adding Your Sensors
- Viewing Sensor Data - App Navigation
Step 1: Power-Up Your Sensors
If you have a new connected weather station, there's a good chance it came with some outdoor sensors. The first step in this process will be to install a new set of batteries in all of these sensors, and keep them near the display until they establish a connection. It is also recommended to keep these nearby throughout this entire process, just in case you need to add the sensor IDs into your app manually (step 8).
NOTE: We highly recommend use of reputable alkaline batteries for the best performance.
Breeze Pro Sensor
For users with our LTV-WSDTH01 outdoor sensor, you'll want to remove the insulation tab from the rechargeable coin cell battery compartment and make sure the sensor's switch is flipped to the ON position.
If you're having connection issues between this sensor and your display, please see our support page HERE.
Add-On Sensors
If you've purchased additional sensors for monitoring other areas of your home, you'll want to install batteries in these during this initial setup as well.
For users looking to add extra sensors, or even an additional display, into their La Crosse View account after this intial setup, please see our How To Add & Remove Devices page for further instruction.
Step 2: Power-Up Your Display
Be sure to first remove the insulation tab from the bottom of your display to get your backup coin cell battery working. If your model instead has a spot for AA or AAA batteries, feel free to install a set of new regular alkaline batteries for backup purposes (other battery types should be avoided).
Power Cord
Next, our WiFi connected displays will require use of the provided power cord. We recommend first plugging the power adapter into your wall outlet, and then into the display.
Step 3: Confirm Display is Receiving Sensor Data
Before connecting the device to WiFi, it is important that each of your sensors are reporting data to the display. You can check this by confirming that the dashes have turned into numbers on the screen. If your product did not come with external sensors, you can skip this step.
Add-On Sensors
For users setting up a station with add-on sensors, that sensor data may only be available in the Extra Sensor area of your display, or even just within your La Crosse View app. Displays with an Extra Sensor area will have an EXTRA or EXTRA SENSOR button, press and release this button to cycle through all available add-on sensors to see if they have synced with your display. Their data and Device ID should appear on screen when cycling through.
NOTE: Not all displays will have an Extra Sensor area, and not all add-on sensors will be compatible with this area. Please see our Sensor/Display Compatibility Chart for more details.
Step 4: Make Sure Display is in Configuration Mode
To prepare your display for WiFi connection, it must be put into Configuration Mode or "provisioning mode," meaning it is searching for a new WiFi connection. Upon the initial startup, the display should perform this search automatically for about an hour, indicated by the flashing WiFi Indicator (IMAGE).
If your WiFi Indicator is no longer flashing on screen, press and hold down both the + and - buttons on the display until it begins to do so. This process will clear any previous WiFi connection and force the station to begin searching again.
NOTE: If you have an item that has a separate WiFi button on the back of the display, simply use this to put the device into Configuration Mode.
Step 5: Download the La Crosse View App
The La Crosse View App is currently only available on iOS (Apple) and Android smart devices. Use the links below to download the app now.
NOTE: A mobile device is required for WiFi connection and use of the La Crosse View app.
Step 6: Create an Account and/or Log In
After downloading the La Crosse View app, you'll want to create an account and log in. New users will be walked through the steps above to confirm their display and sensors are up and running correctly. It is recommended at this point to continue following the on-screen prompts in the app.
Returning users looking to add a new device to their La Crosse View account, may want to review our How To Add & Remove Devices page.
Step 7: Add Display to Your La Crosse View Account
Scan In Display's Device ID
While continuing to follow the app's prompts, you'll be asked to scan or type in your La Crosse Technology display's Device ID. This can be found on the white sticker on the back, typically near our La Crosse View logo.
If the scanning process isn't working on your mobile device, please try typing in the Device ID manually. Be sure to type in the characters correctly, lowercase "L's" can easily be mistaken for number "1's" and uppercase "B's" are often confused for number "8's," or vise-versa. This ID is case sensitive.
NOTE: If you're having trouble with this process and the app is displaying the incorrect product image and/or ID, or if you're getting an error message such as "Device Not Found" or "Cannot Add Device because it is owned by another user," please head to our FAQ page so we can help get this corrected.
Enter in Device & Location Names
After scanning and confirming your display's Device ID, you'll be asked to give this device (the display) a Name and assign it to a Location. If this is your first product, you'll need to create a new Location. No worries if these are not perfect here. You can always adjust them later on.
For tips on naming conventions or how to better organize Devices and Locations within the La Crosse View app, please see our page HERE .
Country, Postal Code, & "Opt Out" Checkbox
The following app screen will ask you to input your Country and Post Code. This information will provide your connected display with accurate forecast, time, and date data from the Internet. If you do NOT wish to receive these added services, be sure to tap the "Opt Out" checkbox on the bottom of this page. For most users, you'll likely want to leave this unchecked.
To access these connected display settings after this initial setup, please review our page HERE.
Connect to WiFi
The final step in getting the display synced with your La Crosse View account will be to connect it to your home WiFi network. To do this, be sure your mobile device is connected to your home WiFi, this will be indicated at the top of the next Connect WiFi page within the app. Ideally, a separate 2.4GHz WiFi or Guest WiFi band should be used during this process.
On this page, simply enter in your WiFi password and tap CONFIGURE. The app will then begin trying and establish a connection between the display and your router. This can sometimes take a few tries depending on how your WiFi is set up, but the app should walk you through a series of instructions to help get your display connected.
For further help with this WiFi connection process, please see our WiFi Questions page.
Display Changes
Once connected, assuming you did not check the "Opt-out" checkbox, within the next few minutes you should see some updated information on your connected display, such as:
- The WiFi Indicator is solid on screen
- Your time & date information should have automatically been updated
And you should see additional Internet forecast information such as:
- Chance of precipitation values
- Daily high/low temperature predictions
- Outdoor temperature
- Wind direction
- Additional forecast icons and more!
NOTE: Not all displays will have access to all of the Internet forecast elements described above. To learn more about what your specific product can do, please review your product page and manual by searching via your model number in the search at the top of this page. For assistance with finding your product's specific information, click HERE.
Step 8: Getting Sensor Data in the App
Adding Your Sensors
Upon getting the display connected to your home WiFi network, the ensuing app screen will inform you about how your connected sensors should be brought in. Essentially, within the next 15 minutes you should receive Add Device notifications within your La Crosse View app, indicated by the Red Cloud and the numbers inside of it.
Simply tap on this icon to view these Add Device notifications and begin adding your sensors into your account. For each sensor you'll need to give it a Name and assign it to a Location, just like with the display.
If for some reason your sensor notifications do not come through within these 15 minutes, you may need to add them into your app manually. Please review our How To Add & Remove Devices page for instructions on this process.
Viewing Sensor Data | App Navigation
After the sensors have been added to your account, their data screens can be accessed by swiping left from the app's main display.
We highly encourage you to review our App Navigation and How to Edit Locations & Devices pages for a better understanding of how the app is organized and how to access specific information.
App Functions
Add or Remove Devices
The following steps and video will show you how add additional sensors or displays into your La Crosse View account. These steps will also need to be performed by users who did not receive Add Device notifications to automatically add their sensors when first setting up their system, or for those who are setting up a replacement item. Also covered are the steps for removing devices.
How To Add Devices
Access the Devices
page by entering the app's main menu and selecting the Devices tab.
Press the ADD DEVICE or Plus
button at the bottom of the page.
Scan or type in your new sensor or display's Device ID located on its white sticker. These will often be found on the back, bottom, or inside near a battery compartment.
Confirm the image and ID match your device. See the troubleshooting section below for help with this scanning/confirming process.
Give the device a Name, assign it to a Location, and enter in your Country and Postal Code information. These last two options will only apply to connected displays, not sensors.
If you're adding a new display and have yet to connect it to the Internet, there will be a following Connect WiFi screen for you to input your password and get it connected to your WiFi network. See the troubleshooting section below for additional support if needed.
How To Remove Devices
Access the Devices page by entering the app's main menu and selecting the Devices tab.
For iOS (Apple) users, tap on the red Minus button to the left of the device name, and then Delete when it appears to the right. Android users, simply press the device you wish to delete and swipe quickly to the left.
Device Not Found or Device Owned by Another User
If you are trying to add your sensor/device to the app and you receive the message "Cannot Add Device" or "Device Already Registered," please confirm that you have entered the correct device ID in the app by pressing and releasing the SENSOR button on your weather station. This will rotate through the connected sensors displaying their device IDs on the station. B's and 8's, 0's and o's, upper case I's and lower case L's can look similar. Be assured, your device is not used, but the ID may have been inadvertently registered by another customer with a similar Device ID.
If the device IDs displayed match what is printed on the barcodes on the devices, you will need to contact customer support for further assistance. Please fill out the form HERE and include the below information in the Detailed Description section.
- 9-Digit Device ID of the station (found on the back or side of the device)
- 9-Digit Device ID(s) of the sensor
- The email address that was used to create your La Crosse View account
My Display is Not Connecting to WiFi
Please be sure your display is searching for a WiFi connection (flashing WiFi Icon). Press and hold down both the + and - buttons on the display until it beeps and/or the icon begins to flash. If your display has a dedicated WiFi button on the back, use this to have the display search instead. For further help with this WiFi connection process, please see our WiFi Questions page to find product specific information and instruction.
Shop Add-On Devices
Protect other areas around your home with add-on sensors and displays. Many users have found these ideal for basements, freezers, swimming pools, water leak detection, nurseries, green houses, garages, attics and more. Head to our Add-On Sensors Page to shop now!
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App Navigation
App Navigation
The La Crosse View app provides a data monitoring and alerting system that syncs remotely to your compatible La Crosse Technology products. This easy to navigate app organizes your devices by location and provides various features to enhance and customize your data monitoring experience. Watch the video tour below to become more familiar with your La Crosse View app.
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Locations & Devices
The La Crosse View™ app provides the ability to customize portions of the app to enhance your user experience.
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After you have added your weather station or shared devices, you can navigate to Add / Edit > Locations or Add / Edit > Devices to make changes.
- Edit device name or location name by pressing text field. Note: Edits are saved once you leave the text field, if no edit is made, then the previous name is preserved.
- Press the FOUR LINES icon to move locations or devices to desired position.
- Press MINUS to delete locations or devices. Note: Locations with assigned devices cannot be deleted until devices are moved to another location or deleted.
Select Done to exit your editing session and save changes.
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Alerts & Notifications
Arguably one of the most useful features of the La Crosse View app is its ability to send push notification and email alerts* to your mobile device when preset conditions are met. The following sections will go over how to create, delete, and manage device alerts and notifications.
Add Alerts
Alerts can be used to help keep tabs on any data point your system monitors, and can be added in two ways:
Option 1: From the main menu, select the Alerts tab. On the Alerts page, tap the ADD ALERT or PLUS button at the bottom of the screen. Then select the Device, followed by Alert Type.
Option 2: When viewing data on a device page, simply tap on any data point and select Add Alert when it pops up on screen.
Alert & Notification Settings
When adding an alert you will be presented with various options depending on the device and type of alert you chose (temperature, humidity, rain, wind, etc.).
Each alert will require a name, enter this in the Alert Name box at the top. Feel free to be creative here, as this will be seen in your push and/or email notifications when the alert conditions are met.
Next, use the various slider bars to set the alert values, or manually enter these by tapping in the boxes.
Below this will be a SHOW NOTIFICATION SETTINGS box, select this to adjust the notification type and frequency of this specific alert. If both Push Notification and Email* types are turned off, you will only receive In-App Notifications (more details below).
Once you have all of your alert settings adjusted, be sure to press the Save button at the top.
NOTE: Push notifications are managed within the Settings app on your mobile device. To receive push notifications for alerts you have set, be sure that you have the notification settings on your device set to allow them from the La Crosse View app.
Edit, Manage, or Delete Existing Alerts
Your saved alerts will be stored and organized by Location, and then by Device. Access these through the main menu (image) and tapping on the Alerts tab. When on the Alerts page, you can perform the following actions:
Edit Existing Alert: Tap on the alert name to bring up that alert's settings.
Turn Alert On or OFF: Tap the slider to the right of an alert name to turn it ON or OFF.
Delete Alert: For iOS (Apple) users, tap the red MINUS button to the left of the alert name, and then press Delete when it appears to the right. Android users, simply press on the alert you wish to delete and swipe quickly to the left.
In-App Notifications
When an alert is triggered, you should notice the following updates within your La Crosse View app:
The app's Notification Center cloud (found on the top info bar) will turn red and display a number in it for how many notifications you have. Simply tap on this icon to see your alert notifications.
On the Notifications page your alerts will be displayed in a list with time stamps for when that alert had been triggered. From here, you can swipe the individual alert messages to the left to clear them one by one, or tap on the Clear All text on top to remove all alert messages at once. You can also tap on the alert message itself to be brought directly to that device page within the app.
If the device data is still within the alert range, that data will appear in red.
Push & Email Notifications
Push and/or email* notifications will be sent to your mobile device and/or email account based on your notifications settings and subscription plan. Notifications will contain the Alert Name, Device Name, Alert Type and Reading Value.
*Email Alerts are only available with an Enhanced or Advanced Subscription Plan.
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How to Share Device Data
The La Crosse View™ app allows users to share device data. As devices are added, permissions are established based on who is adding the device. If you add a new device, you will be established as the owner of the device and can invite others to share your device data. You may also receive invitations to add other users' shared devices to your account.
The sections below will describe how to share device data.
- Invite user
- Manage users
- Adding shared device from device notification
- Sharing permissions
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Invite user
To share device data go to Add / Edit > Devices from the Main Menu and select the share icon.
A list of shareable devices will be presented to you on the Share Devices page. Each device row will indicate how many users have been invited to share the device. Note: You cannot share devices that are not owned by you.
Select device(s) that you want to share and select SHARE.
Enter user's account email address. You can add email from your mobile device's contact list or enter manually.
Note: If the user's account email does not exist within the La Crosse View™ system, then the shared device invite will not be sent until the user creates an account. Shared device invitations will expire if not accepted within 30 days.
Manage users
Each shareable device has a Manage Users page. Navigate to the Main Menu then go to Add / Edit > Devices and select the share icon. Then click on the row of the device you wish to mange. The Manage Users page maintains a list of users you have invited to share a device. The invitation status is also presented as Unread or Accepted.
You can also invite additional users by pressing the SHARE button.
You can delete invitations by selecting the delete icon.
Note: Deleted invitations will automatically remove the user's sharing permissions and they will no longer be able to see the device's data.
Shared device invitations will be sent to the app's notification center.
The notification center is located in the main view of your app. The icon's cloud will turn red and show a number when you have notifications. Tap the notification center icon to see your notifications.
Select ADD to add device to your account. You can change the device's name and assign it to an existing location or create a new location. Select DONE to save changes. If you choose to DELETE the invitation it will clear from your notification center.
Sharing permission is established when the owner of a device invites a user to receive that shared device's data. Once an invitation to share a device is accepted by a user, they can view, export and set their own alerts using data coming from the owner's shared device. Note: Setting alerts on a shared device in your account will only send alerts to your account.
When adding weather stations or additional devices, a user may encounter the following sharing permission messages:
- Shared Device - This Device is owned by another user and has been shared with you.
Do you want to add this shared device to your account? - Cannot Add Device - This device is owned by another user and cannot be added to your account without permission.
Note: Sharing permissions may be deleted by the owner of the device. If you have an issue with sharing permissions on your device, contact customer support to resolve your issue.
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App Background Images
Changing location background photo
Personalize your location's background photo to help you visually identify your locations. Note: A default photo will be used until you change the location background image.
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There are 2 ways to change your location's background photo:
- Go to Add / Edit > Locations and press Select Background or the current background photo of the location you wish to change.
- In the main view of the app, press and hold the background photo to present options to change the background photo.
You will be presented with the options to Choose Photo, Take Photo, or Remove Photo.
- Choose Photo - will allow you to choose a photo from your mobile device's photo library.
- Take Photo - will open up a camera view to take a photo for the background.
- Remove Photo - will replace a photo you have already added with the app's default photo.
Note: If you are not able to "Take Photo" or "Choose Photo", check your mobile device's settings to make sure that the La Crosse View App has access to your camera and storage files.
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Using Data Streams
Adding Data Stream Items to Your Station
Data Stream technology allows you to use the La Crosse View™ app to stream data to your weather station display. Depending on which model you own, you will be able to add various data stream items. Note: Not all weather stations support data stream technology.
The sections below will describe how to create and manage data stream items.
- Add data stream items
- Manage data stream items
- Pin data stream items
Add data stream items
To add data stream items to your weather station:
1. Open the La Crosse View App and swipe until you find your station's device page.
2. Scroll down to the Data Stream section and press the blue stream icon in the upper right.
3. Follow the app's instructions to customize your "Data Stream" to display on your station.
Note: Allow up to 10 minutes for new Data Stream selections to appear on your station.
Select to add the following types of data stream items:
Text Streams - Enter up to 20 characters for special events or reminders such as: SOCCER TONIGHT - ICE CREAM IN FREEZER - GREAT JOB MATH TEST - or anything you can think of!
Note: Character limits and formatting will depend on your weather station model. Additional instructions will be provided in the app.
Weather Service Streams - Select from a list of Weather Service forecasting services and Save to add item to your Data Stream page. Note: Services that are already added to your Data Stream page, will not be selectable.
Note: The Data Stream items will be shown in the unit preferences set on your weather station display, not in the unit preferences selected in your app. Find instructions for changing your station's units by searching via your model number.
Manage data stream items
You can manage your data stream items on the Data Stream page.
The page is divided into ACTIVE and INACTIVE sections. The ACTIVE section is for the data stream items currently streaming to your weather station display. The INACTIVE section maintains the data stream items that you have added, but which are not currently streaming to your weather station display. Note: The number of ACTIVE items allowed will depend on your weather station limits.
Move data stream items by pressing the reorder icon a nd dragging item to to desired position.
Delete data stream items by pressing and swiping to delete . Note: Deleted items will be removed from Data Stream page, but can be added again through .
Edit data stream items by pressing item row. Press Save to save any changes.
Pin data stream items
To temporarily display one data stream item on your weather station display, go to Pin (located at the top of the page) and select from items added to your Data Stream page. Select Done to complete this action or Unpin to return to previous data stream status.
The Pinned item will be the only data stream item displayed along with the display's time , until you return to the Data Stream page and Unpin that item.
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Using Photo Share
The La Crosse View™ app allows you to share photos of your current weather or home environment conditions directly with your friends and family or be posted on social media.
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To share a photo of your device's current data, select the photo share icon located on your device's data page.
The camera view will be presented with an overlay of your device's current data with a date and time stamp. Press the camera icon to take the desired photo. Note: If you have a blank or black screen instead of an image from your camera, check your mobile device's settings to make sure that the La Crosse View™ App has access to your camera.
Choose how you want to share your photo. Note: Sharing options will depend on your mobile device's apps and features.
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App Settings
Opt-Out of Time & Weather Services
Opt-Out of Internet Time and Weather
If you are looking to enjoy the remote monitoring experience of the La Crosse View app, without the added Internet time and forecast data on your in-home display, follow the procedure below.
Go to Add / Edit > Devices and select the display's device info icon.
Note: Display settings can only be changed for weather station displays that you "own".
Check the "Opt Out" box. This will turn off these settings on your display.
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Display Location Settings
Display Location Settings
Your connected weather station can provide weather forecasting information from AccuWeather.
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The app saves your weather station display's Time Zone and 5-digit ZIP Code settings to connect your weather station to these services. To change your settings go to Add / Edit > Devices and select the display's device info icon. Note: Display settings can only be changed for weather station displays that you "own".
Note: You can choose to "Opt Out", if you do not want these services or if you live outside the U.S.
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Unit Preferences
Setting Unit Preferences
The La Crosse View™ app allows users to set unit preferences for the data shown within the app. Unit preferences will be applied to all of the devices in your account (even shared devices).
To set unit preferences go toMain Menu and navigate to Settings > Units.
Note: Unit preferences will not apply to Data Stream items. Your Data Stream items will reflect the unit preferences set on your weather station display. See How to Add Data Stream Items to Your Station.
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Account Settings
Editing Account Settings
To edit your account settings go to Main Menu Main Menu and navigate to Settings > Account . Press Save when finished making changes.
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Device Information
Find Device Information
Your device's information is located at the bottom of your device's data page. The information provided identifies your device and will help you with any customer support or troubleshooting issues.
The Device Information card shows the following:
- Updated status - refers to when the device's data was last updated.
- Model Number - displays the model number of the device
- ID number - is the unique identifier for your device.
- Battery status - is signified by battery icons, good and low.
Device notifications
You will receive device notifications in the app's notification center and as push notifications for the following cases:
- Low battery status
- Device's data has not been received in past hour
The notification center is located in the main view of your app. The icon's cloud will turn red and show a number when you have notifications, tap the notification center icon to see your notifications. There are two tabs in the notification center, one for alerts and one for devices. Select Devices to see the Device Notification page.
The Devices Notification page will display a list of time-stamped notifications. You can clear notifications by tapping the clear icon or Clear All.
Note: The Device Information card for an on-display device will show a summary of device information based on the device(s) that appear on your weather station display.
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Find App Version
Finding the App Version
To find which version of the La Crosse View™ app you are using, go toMain Menu and select App > Help. Knowing the app version you are currently using may assist with troubleshooting.
Note: Depending on your mobile device's settings, your app will automatically update.
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How To Delete Locations On Accuweather App
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